Monday, July 15, 2013

Sleeping Beauty

When Hollis is tired, boy does she let you know it. Right now, she has a hard time soothing herself to sleep. She LOVES sleeping on my chest and in her snug-a-bunny swing. I would let her sleep on me all day if I could.

Today we were at the post office and she LOST it. She cried the entire way home until she was out of her carseat and in the comfort of my arms. Sweet girl fell asleep in just a couple of minutes. After about 30 mins this Mama had to use the restroom, so I laid her on the couch while I stepped a way for a moment. I always put her to sleep on her back, but it looks like she may be a tummy sleeper once she is old enough. She slept right through me putting her down and snapping pictures. I LOVE staring at her and praising God for this gift.

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