Monday, November 25, 2013

6 Months Old!

Hollis Leigh is 6 months old today!
Below is her 5 month summary...

Weight: 17lbs 4oz 73rd Percentile
Height: 26.5" 75th Percentile
HC: 16.75" 52nd Percentile WOO HOO we had some major head growth since her 4 month appointment and all concerns are out the window! What a relief!

This last month has been exhausting and so much fun at the same time!

Hollis is still on a 4 hour schedule and was waking between 7:45-8:00 AM BEFORE the time change. Now, she wakes most days between 6:00-6:30 AM. There have been a couple mornings where she has slept until 7:30, but those 6:00 wake ups are tough! I usually will let her talk and try to get back to sleep for about 15 mins...if that doesn't happen, then I go in and will rock/cuddle her back to sleep until 7:30. This isn't ideal but since she is on a 4 hour schedule, that means if she rises and eats at 6:00 AM then her last feeding of the day/bedtime is 6:00 PM....that is just not conducive to our families schedule (Ryan wouldn't be able to see her after getting home from work). So, we are doing what works for now until we can adjust back to our normal schedule.

Hollis loves her crib and has done AWESOME sleeping in there (minus when she was sick).

This last month was rough for Hollis. Her teeth finally broke through, but right after that she got an ear infection in her right ear and then a cold! After a second trip to the doctor and a change in her medicine, she finally felt better! Sleep was AWFUL (for about 2 weeks) as she fought the ear infection. She was sleeping in 30 min- hour increments and would wake up crying...she wasn't able to get back to sleep unless we were holding her. Ryan and I felt like we had a newborn again! In the attempt for us to ALL get sleep, we would put her in the bed with us around 2AM (something I said I would never do!) and that helped her some. We were so thankful when she got well and was back to her normal sleeping habits!

During her awake time she enjoys playing on her mat and pracicing rolling over and scooting herself around in a circle. She still LOVES her exersaucer too! I love watching her play in the exersaucer because things she couldn't do last month she now can do (push the balls down the roller, grab and bring the teether to her mouth, make the music play, etc.).

Hollis loves being read to and will light up the minute you bring the books out. My Mom brought over ALL of my childhood books (an entire tupperware bin full) and I have had so much fun going through those with Hollis...what a treat!

My last day breastfeeding Hollis was a few days after she turned 5 months (see post here), so Hollis is now getting formula only every 4 hours.

We celebrated Hollis' first "holiday" this past month...Halloween! Hollis was the cutest black cat!

Hollis' favorite toys are her baby doll, foam Fisher Price book, teether keys, rattle ball, mirror snail, and books!

We introduced Hollis to solid foods 4 days before turning 6 months (post to follow). She is doing AWESOME! She has tried avocado, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and sweet potato! Broccoli and avocado seem to be her favorites right now.

Hollis said DaDa!!!!!! She said it several times for us a couple days in a row and then like all new skills she masters, she stopped! She will still talk up a storm but DaDa is hard to catch now. Maybe she is working on saying MaMa! ;)

While I was pregnant with Hollis, I would pray that she would get her Daddy's curls. I ADORE Ryan's curly hair. It seems as if that prayer may be been answered...Hollis' hair in the back is curing on the ends. Her hair is growing like a weed too!

Hollis will mock some noises that we make. She mocked me making a kissing noise and she mocked Daddy when he made a noise with his mouth. She will watch our mouths while me make the noise and try to figure out if she can make it too. So fun to watch her learn!

Hollis has started giving hugs this month. The first person she hugged was PawPaw and I was quite jealous! Now, she will hug just about anyone. Those sweet hugs will melt your heart. She also has been grabbing faces with both of her hands...she loves doing that to men (maybe it's the facial hair?).

Sitting up is another new skill she is working on! She is a little wobbly and will fall down in the attempt to reach for her toys. Each day she is able to sit up a little longer at a time. So fun!

Hollis' personality is really starting to shine through as you can see in some of her monthly photos. She makes Ryan and I laugh every day with her silly noises (roaring like a lion & squeals) and flailing arms. Hollis will throw her arm up and down repeatedly, and often does it when she is trying to fall asleep! It's amazing how fast these past 6 months of gone by. I am soaking in every single moment with this sweet girl!

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