Friday, September 27, 2013

Big Girl In Her ExerSaucer

Hollis absolutely LOVES her exersaucer. I found this exersaucer at a garage sale in my neighborhood for $25! After 30 minutes of cleaning it like a crazy woman, it's as good as new.

This is Hollis' new favorite place to play. She gets so excited sitting up and will flap her arms around and even spin in her seat by wiggling her legs. I'm loving this exersuacer for many reasons, but the main thing that sold me was the little photo pages on it...originally it comes with some generic farm animal pictures but I decided to add pictures of Mommy, Daddy, Mimi & Dadoo, Nana & G-Daddy, PawPaw and cousins Julianne, Farrah & Bella! I think it will be fun for Hollis to look at and practice saying their names when she gets older.

1 comment:

  1. love the finger chewing!!! def some teeth coming her way!!!!
